In heartbreaking detail, he showed how a “godforsakenbusiness” and the desire for acclaim in his career as a writer for Vince McMahon’s WWF led him into a spiritual wasteland. In his firstbook, Forgiven, Vince Russo delivered a modern-day parable about the price of success. And Vince Russo, the man who has at times been called “the mosthated man in professional wrestling” wouldn’t have it any other way. But one thing remains constant: the fans chanting“Fire Russo!” can still be heard at TV tapings and pay-per-view events acrossNorth America.

If you enjoy PWInsider.It’s been over a decade since The Monday Night War waged between the WWF and WCW generated unprecedented and astronomical ratings, and the landscape of “the sport of kings” has changed radically. My integrity means everything to me, so I just hope you can understand and forgive. As their employee, it was up to me to honor their wishes, so that’s what I intended to do. The condition from their side was that I kept it confidential between the two parties. TNA rendered my services as a consultant to work with their announce team of Mike Tenay and Taz. The e-mail concerned my current involvement with TNA Wrestling. Recently, I accidentally sent an e-mail to a third-party that was not meant for their eyes. STATEMENT CONCERNING MY INVOLVEMENT WITH TNA In fairness to him, I feel we should run it. But Russo has now published a retraction on his website for his earlier comments. I won't even go into the logic flaws with his thinking. Nice to see the SWERVE still works!!!" He also tweeted to Mike Johnson, "Would you thank Dave for me for all the free promotion.If I knew it was going to be this easy-would have done long time ago!" In fact, he wrote: "WOW-just amazing to see that anybody will print anything as TRUTH without checking into it. When our story ran, Russo went to his Twitter account to deny. Given that we had previously reported that Russo was working as a consultant for TNA, and he had publicly implied that our report was false, I made the decision for Mike to run the story. Earlier today, Mike Johnson reported that Vince Russo had sent an email to him that Russo meant to send to Mike Tenay and Taz, with guidelines as to how they should announce this week's episode of Impact.