
Pleyn Delit by Sharon Butler
Pleyn Delit by Sharon Butler

Pleyn Delit by Sharon Butler

The text of the original recipe comes from Curye on Inglysch, edited by Constance Hieatt and Sharon Butler. Take semi-hard cheese grated and lay it in dishes with sweet powder, and lay thereon noodles sodden (boiled) and as whole as thou must, and above powder and cheese and so twice or thrice, and serve it forth. Take good broth and put it in an earthen pot, take quality white flour and make thereof paste with water, and make thereof thin foils as paper with a roller, dry it hard and seethe it in broth. Take Chese ruayn grated and lay it in disshes with powdour douce, and lay þeron loseyns isode as hoole as þou myȝt, and above powdour and chese and so twyse or thryse, & serue it forth. Take gode broth and do in an erthen pot, take flour of payndemayn and make þerof past with water, and make þerof thynne foyles as paper with a roller, drye it harde and seeþ it in broth.

Pleyn Delit by Sharon Butler